
WODFitters massage gun demo by @daltonponch16

WODFitters massage gun demo by @daltonponch16

Use the right tool for the job. 🙌#wodfittersmassagegunHere’s a fact, working out, specifically weightlifting and bodyweight exercises, produces micro-tears in our muscles. If we don't invest in proper recovery and...

WODFitters massage gun demo by @daltonponch16

Use the right tool for the job. 🙌#wodfittersmassagegunHere’s a fact, working out, specifically weightlifting and bodyweight exercises, produces micro-tears in our muscles. If we don't invest in proper recovery and...

Magical percussive gun is from @wodfitters

Magical percussive gun is from @wodfitters’s part of the program. Not allowing yourself adequate #recovery time can lead to decreased performance and even overtraining syndrome or OTS, and it is ugly. 😩Thank you@triclairetri for trusting...

Magical percussive gun is from @wodfitters’s part of the program. Not allowing yourself adequate #recovery time can lead to decreased performance and even overtraining syndrome or OTS, and it is ugly. 😩Thank you@triclairetri for trusting...