Adjustable Hip resistance band

@rozasfitness Thanks for the Awesome workout! ・・・ GLUTE ACTIVATION 🔥🔥 - Here are a few exercises I do to warm up my muscles before leg day. It’s REALLY important to do this because it helps work your muscles and give them a lesser chance of injury. These can also be used as light workouts and at home workouts! 💗 I typically do 2-3 sets of 15 reps for each! - Using my @wodfitters adjustable resistance band for these exercises and I LOVE IT!! It’s so convenient and also really cute bc I love camo 🤩 Thank you @modernathletichealth & @wodfitters !! Use code WF30 to get 30% off yours when you order 🔥 🔥 Pulse squats 🔥 Donkey kickbacks 🔥 Side steps 🔥 Abductors 🔥 Leg lifts 🔥 Jump squats


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