Arms pullups Workout by @katies.journey using WODFitters resistance bands

TTo fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness. 💕. #repost @katies.journey

Check out her Instagram for the full routine. ☺️


Hi my name is Katie and I enjoy working out...WAIT WHAT...that’s right, I’m actually at a place in my journey where I am ENJOYING working out 🤯🤯 if you had told me I would have felt this way 5 months ago I would have literally laughed in your face because there is no way I could enjoy CHOOSING to be physically active, but it’s true...I DO! I actually look forward to it!! I definitely prefer lifting and weight training and it’s been so fun learning different exercises and using a variety of equipment. While absolutely not needed to be active, these tools have opened my eyes to a new world- one i was always too scared and lazy to venture into. I really have some high goals for myself and this truly is just the beginning.

I’m also extremely lucky to have a husband who is very fit and active. I’m not quite sure what I’d do without him and all his fancy workout shit!! 🤣

I’ll also be slowly starting my own collection but with girly colors because I’m just more motivated when it’s cute AF! 💁🏼‍♀️

DONT BE AFRAID TO GET OUT THERE AND MOVE YOUR BODY!! Everyone had to start somewhere!


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