ELEVATED SPLIT SQUAT by @theclimbclinic using WODFitters resistance bands

Good things come to those who squat. 🙌
Here are is a series of elevated split squats using a variety of band placements and band intensities to target a spectrum of focused strength, endurance, mobility, and overall fitness for the mountains⛷🚵‍♀️🧗‍♂️
💙Heavy(est) Band💙
⚡️>80% Intensity
⚡️Ex: 5x5 reps, 2-3 min rest
💚Heavy Band💚
⚡️~70-80% Target Intensity
⚡️4x8-12 Reps, 1-2 min rest
💜Moderate Band💜
⚡️~50-70% Target Intensity
⚡️3x12-15 Reps, 1 min rest
🖤Mild Band🖤
⚡️~40-60% Target Intensity
⚡️ Endurance
⚡️(30 sec on, 30 sec rest)x4
❤️Light Band❤️
⚡️~20-40% Target Intensity
⚡️Active Recovery/Mobility
⚡️15-20 reps, as needed
Choose a band, intensity, and goal to explore the elevated split squat and start progressing your fitness for the mountains ✅
Tag a partner who needs an elevated split squat routine 💯
**Link in bio if in need of some bands 🚀**


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